AccessCR announces the awarding of CCReW Support Scholarships to support the travel of 4 consumers to the COSA Cancer Survivorship Conference. in Adelaide, 8-9 March 2023.
Transcript of Janelle's presentation at the NHMRC-CHF Workshop on launching the review of Australia's Statement on Involving Consumers in Health and Medical Research, 15 Nov 22.
AccessCR announces the awarding of CCReW Support Scholarships to support the travel of 4 consumers to the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). in Adelaide, 8 November 2022.
In one sentence, how would you sum up what taking part in a clinical trial has done/meant for you or someone you care(d) for? The ConViCTioN consumer group hope you will share your thoughts with them, so that they might help encourage more people to ask about clinical trials.